Maximise Ore & Profit. Reduce Waste & Risk.

Ozone: The Ore Zone Optimizer

Defining what material is Ore and what is Waste, and how to best dig it up to maximise your ore body could be argued as the most critical step of the mining process. Especially, given what you decide to mine and process in one period will constrain the available options for all future periods. Surprisingly, much of this evaluation is still performed manually.

Ozone is the first 2D and 3D Ore Body Optimizer software solution that achieves high level dilution control with real-life mining selectivity constraints.

Use Ozone to create, evaluate and manipulate multiple scenarios against selected parameters so you can effectively and consistently assess the best possible solution for your mining operation – one that maximises the total value of your ore body, whilst minimising the risk of costly misclassification and waste.

Ozone Ore Zone Mining Optimizer - Minesteps

How Does it Work?

Ozone’s input is an (in-situ) block model – created, for example, by a Kriged estimate of grade control drill data – and its output is a visual model with optimised ore zones and associated diglines. Edit blocks or diglines if required, then produce results for the mining team, including a detailed report for auditing.

Ozone moves your blast zone or bench from the left to the right creating maximum value within your dilution, mining selectivity and material constraints.

Ozone is designed to give you reliable results and visual feedback to easily identify the best case scenario across multiple objectives considered during the ore optimisation process.

  • Maximise profitability

  • Minimise dilution

  • Maximise tonnes of specific mined materials

  • Identify and deal with problem areas

  • Handles real-life mining constraints

We’ll go as far as to say, each day you’re not using Ozone, you’re losing profit!

Why Ozone?

Minesteps Ozone Mining Optimiser Demonstration

Ozone adds real quantifiable value to your mining process and bottom line, providing reliable and superior results that are easy to comprehend, interpret ,and share.

  • Highly intuitive to use and easy to onboard staff and technicians

  • Extremely powerful and robust to handle multiple scenarios and ore types

  • Useful for blast zone, bench, and higher levels

  • Minimises costly mining production errors

  • Provides transparency to all stakeholders

  • Identify and create superior minable zones

  • Integrated 3D environment

  • Shrinkwrap software, unwrap and go

Ozone Tools & Features

Granular Control Options:

Enjoy high level control of the optimisation process with easy to understand concepts:

  • Optimise by profit, or tonnes or grades of higher priority materials.
  • Dilution and Mining Selectivity (“Minable”) dimensions.
  • Maximise Dilution or Maximise Profit (within constraints).
  • Mining direction.
  • Exclude toxic materials from the optimisation.
  • Revenue by Mineral or Material.
  • Relax constraints to improve results

View and Compare Calculations Across Multiple Scenarios:

Ozone’s editing tools for both blocks and diglines (with unlimited undo/redo) enable you to create and compare your own interpretations, and to understand the implications of your changes in terms of tonnes and grades, and dilution and mining constraints.

Complex Sensitivity Analysis:

Compare tools to create and analyse results for a series of input parameters such as SMU and Mineable size and grade cutoffs to find out the main drivers of the solution and which values are best.

Eliminate Guesswork with Intuitive Data Visualisation:

Quickly grasp and understand the optimised results comprehensively with our intuitive display of outcomes, dilution, and constraint errors.

Reporting and Auditing Tools:

Create easy to understand reports to keep colleagues and stakeholders informed, including historical data and auditing.

Comprehensive Documentation & Support:

Minesteps’ products are designed to be intuitive and robust enough to require minimal support, however, our team offers excellent support when required.

Intelligent & Time-Saving Tools & Functions that Minimise Errors:

Besides its obvious application benefits, we carefully designed functions and settings to make Ozone the most user-friendly and time-efficient tool on the market:

  • Automatically creates diglines around optimised zones.
  • Automatic and systematic naming of optimised zones.
  • Powerful and one-click or key block and string editing tools to touch up results, with unlimited undo/redo.
  • Model state will automatically update after edits and undo.
  • Handles rotated block models transparently.
  • Handles missing data and data changes. 
  • Setup Material definitions in minutes with simple expressions or an easy to create Script, with the full power of Microsoft .NET (like powerful regular expressions).
  • Store, Compare and Rerun multiple scenarios.
  • Production features to handle anything to do with, and to minimise errors in, producing results to the mining team.
  • Allow optimised zones to be sub-divided in equal sized parcels.

Ozone’s annual license fee can pay for itself with just one day’s use!


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